Organic farmer presents benefits of organic farming for soil and climate in the European Parliament.
Hans-Joachim Mautschke from Hofgut Krauscha takes part in the climate project SOLMACC. Here he demonstrates how climate friendly farming in practice looks like and also applies a number of innovative practices. For this reason, he was invited by Maria Heubuch (Greens in the European Parliament) to speak at a public conference, about the relationships between soil, food security and climate and how these issues are dealt with at European level.
Other speakers an their topics: Dr. Vandana Shiva, Alternative Nobel Prize winner, Author of ‘Soil not Oil ‘and ‘The living Soil, Professor Christine Watson, Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC), Valo Dantinne, Agroecological Gardener and Trainer, Terre et Humanisme, Claudia Olazabal, Head of Unit Agriculture, Forests and Soil, DG environment, Teresa Anderson, Action aid: Clever name, losing game – How climate-smart agriculture is sowing confusion in the food movement, Moujahed Achouri, Director Land & Water Division, FAO, Jenny Wong – UNFCCC
For further Information about the conference on the 18th November 2015 follow this link: