Throughout the SOLMACC project, the 12 demonstration farms involved all organized several open field days. These allowed farmers and advisors to share the knowledge about climate-friendly practices directly with the wider public. On this page you can find reports from all open field days (2015-2018).
Open field days in 2018
German farms
Italian farms
Swedish farms
Open field days in 2017
Azienda Agricola Mannucci Droandi (IT): On 14 November 2017, an open field day was held on the organic farm Azienda Agricola Mannucci Droandi near Arezzo in Italy, which is part of the SOLMACC project. The production is mainly based on olive oil and wine. The farmers, along with AIAB, welcomed interested stakeholders and exchanged knowledge on innovative farming practices that can be applied to help fight against climate change while have positive socio-economic impact on the farmer. Report field day Mannucci
Azienda Agricola Tamburello (IT): On 27 October 2017, the Tamburello organic farm in Sicily opened its doors to welcome other farmers, farm advisors and other interested stakeholders to share their knowledge. The open field day was co-organized by AIAB and mainly consisted of exchanging on the climate-friendly practices that the Tamburello farm has been implementing as part of the SOLMACC project and discussing about ways farmers can contribute to mitigating and adapting to climate change. Report field day Tamburello
Körslätts farm (SE): On 6th July 2017, an open field day was held in Skåne in the far south of Sweden at the organic chicken farm Körslätts. The participants benefited from learning about the innovative practices being applied at the farm in the context of the SOLMACC project, including reduced ploughing on clay soils and introducing biodiversity strips. Find out more in the report. Report field day Körslätt
Pfänderhof Bioland farm (DE): On 23 May 2017, Johannes and Florian Pfänder held an open field along with Bioland on their organic farm Pfänderhof GbR in Schwabmünchen, Germany. The event was particularly interesting as participants could see first-hand how a primarily vegetable organic farm without animals can have a closed nutrient cycle. Report field day Pfänder
Kreppold Bioland farm (DE): Johannes Kreppold is a farmer at Bioland-farm Kreppold. It is particularly important for him to constantly develop his farm and its management. That is also why he is involved in the European collaborative project SOLMACC. The 50 participants of the field day on 10 April 2017, were able to learn about what is happening in the project at Bioland-farm Kreppold. Report field day Kreppold
Open field days in 2016
Gut Krauscha Bioland farm (DE): On 24 June 2016, a SOLMACC field day took place at Gut Krauscha in Germany. The visitors learned about the climate-friendly farming practices through presentations that presented the first results of the SOLMACC practices on Gut Krauscha as well as field visits during which the climate-friendly practice of composting was explained and discussed with the participants. “We have been thinking for more than four years about how to improve our nutrient cycles”, stated Hans-Joachim Mautschke, the farmer of Gut Krauscha. Therefore, the farmer decided to start composting at his farm as part of the SOLMACC project. Through the presentation from Martin Häusling (MEP – Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance), the visitors learned about the Common Agricultural Policy and the importance of climate-friendly farming in the EU and worldwide.
Trägsta farm (SE): On 25 August, some 30 visitors gathered outside the main barn on Trägsta farm, outside Östersund in Sweden. We were farmers, agricultural advisors, journalists experts and project leaders. It was a beautiful day and the farm setting beside the big lake was stunning. Eva and Torgny Widholm welcomed us and presented the farm and the activities in general and the ones with special focus within the SOLMACC project. Report field day Trägsta
Sötåsens farm (SE): On 1 September, a SOLMACC field day took place at Sötåsens natural resource school, Sweden. A group of students, teachers, farmers, journalists and project represents took part in the full farm tour and an indoor workshop. Report field day Sötåsen
Azienda Fontanabona (IT): On 29 September 2016, a SOLMACC Open Field Day took place at the farm Paolo Fontanabona in Italy. The event was attended by about 40 people, mostly owners and technicians of farms, both from the area of Veneto and Friuli-Venezia Giulia. Report field day Fontanabona
Azienda Caramadre (IT): On 28 October 2016, a SOLMACC Open Field Day took place at the farm Caramadre in Italy. Farmers, students, regional authorities and technicians participated in the field day. Report field day Caramadre
Open field days in 2015
Hånsta Östergärde (SE): On September 2, 2015 a field day was held at the SOLMACC farm Hånsta Östergärde in Sweden. Approximately 40 participants, comprising of farmers, agricultural advisors, academics and journalists, defied the bad weather and gathered for an interesting day on the theme ’Agroforestry’. Report field day Hansta Östergarde
Kornkammer Haus Holte (DE): On June 10, 2015 a field day took place on Kornkammer Haus Holte in Dortmund-Lütgendortmund and Witten with practical insights on the topic “Climate-friendly agriculture”. Climate change is also felt in this region. Report field day Kornkammer Haus Holte
More information can be found in the Bioland Magazine: Bioland_Magazine_2015_08_Kornkammer_SOLMACC
photo credits: Daniele Fontanive